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企业内部控制、舞弊调查 & 采购、销售舞弊风险防范
课程编号:11969 课程人气:3009
课程价格:¥0 课程时长:1天
- 课程说明
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§ 公司高管/首席合规官/合规总监、经理 § 销售/采购总监、经理、主管 § 首席财务官/财务总监、经理、主管 § 内审/内控总监/经理/审计主管 § 法律顾问/法务部经理/主管 § 风险管理总监/经理 § 调查总监/经理 § 企业调查相关人士,包括人力资源总监/经理等 Who should attend? - Company Executives/ Chief Compliance Officer/ Compliance Director, Manager - Sales/ Purchase Director, Manager, Supervisor - Chief Financial Officer/ Finance Director, Manager, Supervisor - Internal Audit/ Internal Control Director, Manager/ Audit Supervisor - Legal Consultant/ Legal Manager/ Supervisor - Risk Management Director/ Manager - Investigation Director/ Manager - Enterprise Investigation persons, including HR Director/ Manager etc.
课程收益: 1. 深度解剖理解COSO核心——搭建ERM的本土化战略 2. 运筹帷幄提高内控效率——“杀一儆百”的重点控制措施 3. 火眼金睛透视舞弊真相——识别舞弊风险的八大黄金法则 4. 实战演练修炼管理真经——有效防范“员工串通”和“管理层越级” Course Benefits: 1. Depth anatomy and understand COSO kernel-building the localization strategy of ERM 2. Map out a strategy to improve the internal control efficiency- the key control measures of ”execute one as a warning to others” 3. Piercing eye perspective the fraud truth- 8 golden rules to identify the fraud risk 4. Practical play cultivates the management mantra-effectively prevent the staff collusion and management override
课程背景 Course Background:
§ 在销售业务中,怎样避免客户信用管理不善而导致的销售收入大幅增长却不见经营性现金流入?怎样杜绝虚假销售合同的风险?
§ 在采购控制中,为什么花了高价格却买不到好东西?“水清则无鱼”,“采购回扣”真的是行业潜规则吗?
§ 在员工报销审核中,怎样因授权审批不当或发票造假给公司带来的大小损失?
§ 怎样建立最有效和适于操作的资金管理方案,避免“小金库”和未授权的采购业务?
Post financial crisis era, all enterprises are facing with hitherto unknown tragical competition situation and government regulatory environment. The effective internal control system is the necessary conditions of security management for enterprise to isolate the risk. China capital market and commercial credit system is still in the primary stage of development, the ubiquitous commercial implicit rules and the earnings management of financial statements make the Multi-national corporation is facing enormous business risk and compliance risk. How to interpret the laws and regulations, to establish the most suitable risk control framework and mechanism for business process, beware of fraud risk, and make the internal control transfer the cost to benefit has become a hot issue to foreign companies.
This course is closely combined with the business process and the practical operation, the case focused on major foreign listing Corporation, from the sales process, the procurement process and staff reimbursement process of fraud risk in high incidence area of analysis of common types of fraud, and the causes of failure of internal control and the effective solutions. For example:
l In the sales business, how to avoid customer credit ill-management to cause sales income growth, but can not see the operating cash flows? How to eliminate the risk of false sales contract?
l In the procurement control, why spend high price can not buy good stuff? “There is no clear fish”, “procurement rebate”is really the industry implicit rule?
l In the review of employee reimbursement, how to bring the company the size of loss because of the improper authorized review or invoice fraud?
l How to establish the most effective and suitable operated fund management scheme, avoid the “small exchequer” and the unauthorized purchase business?
课程大纲 Course Outline:
一、 内部控制体系创造的价值与收益
The value and benefits of the internal control system
1. 未雨绸缪,防患于未然
Save nip in the bud
2. 上市监管要求与体系搭建
The Listing supervision requirement and system-build
3. 内部控制体系的目标:财务报告真实性,日常运营有效性和企业合规性
The goal of internal control system: the authenticity of financial statements, the effectiveness of daily operation and the compliance of enterprise.
4. COSO和萨班斯法案在国内的发展——内部控制是个“舶来品”
The COSO and SOX’s development in China-the internal control is an “exotic”
§ 头脑风暴:你是不是一个优秀的内部审计师?
Brain storming: are you an excellent internal auditor?
二、 舞弊风险和舞弊调查
The fraud risk and fraud investigation
1. 企业舞弊风险管理控制框架
The control framework of enterprise fraud risk management
2. 常见的舞弊类型
The common types of fraud
3. 最有效的舞弊预警和调查方法
The most effective method of fraud warning and investigation
4. 预防和发现舞弊行为的“十大黄金法则”
10 golden rules of prevention and detection of fraud
三、 业务循环中的内部控制和舞弊防范
The internal control and fraud prevention prevent and control in business cycle
1. 采购付款流程中的内部控制和风险提示
The internal control and risk prompt in the process of procurement payment
2. 供应商管理
The supplier management
3. 采购员管理制度——正常的采购回扣?
The procurement staff management system-the normal purchase rebates?
案例 Case Study:
§ 某公司虚假招标和供应商审核案例
One company’s false biding and supplier audit case
§ “特殊采购”的实质——供应商受限
The essence of “special purchase”- the supplier’s restricted substance
4. 销售与收款流程中的内部控制和风险提示
The internal control and risk prompt in the process of sales and payment-receiving
5. 销售合同审核和订单管理
The interview of sales contract and order management
6. 销售收入的确认——年终退货审计
The sales revenue recognition- annual returns audit
案例 Case Study:
§ 四川长虹应收帐款造假案例
Sichuan Changhong accounts receivable fraud case
§ 合同舞弊和销售受贿——某公司供应商检举案
The contract fraud and bribery- a supplier report
§ 谁动了我的奶酪?——搭建合理有效的销售奖励机制
Who moved my cheese?- build a reasonable and effective sales incentive mechanism.
7. T&E制度和员工报销审核
T&E system and the view of employee reimbursement
8. 公司信用卡风险防范
The risk prevention and control of company credit card
案例 Case Study:
§ 某集团上市公司的公司信用卡私用和盗用查实
One private and listing Corporation’s company credit card use and theft case
§ 员工检举案例——虚假的飞机航程和酒店发票
The staff report case- false flight and hotel invoice
§ 绕过采购订单审批——小额紧急采购报销
To get the approval pass the purchase- small emergency procurement
关于讲师 About the Speaker:
Crystal Zhang臧珞琦,ACCA,CIA
Crystal has over 12 years of finance & accounting, risk management and internal audit experience, having spent 3 years in Singapore and 9 years in Shanghai in the remit of Asia Pacific Region.
In her current role of Finance Director at a listed UK consulting group in China, Crystal encompasses a whole set of finance functions including group accounting & reporting, strategic business planning & budgeting, legal advisory, corporate governance as well as system infrastructure for the entire China business across corporate and its 5 branch offices.
For the past 4 years, Crystal is responsible for leading strategic global corporate & hotel audits, validation of control self assessments and management of Ethic Hotline at InterContinental Hotels Group in the remit of Asia Pacific region.
Having also spent another 6 years in PwC and Deloitte, Crystal worked closely with various clients in US, UK, and most ASEAN countries from auditing and consulting perspectives. Out from the firm environment, Crystal had led numerous financial audits, risk management, Sarbanes-Oxley compliance and internal audit projects, and is highly experienced in complex project management and solution delivery in a commercial environment.
Crystal is both a Certified Internal Auditor and member of ACCA. She received her degree in business administration from Fudan University and was recognized with Harvard Management and Leadership Certification as sponsored by Deloitte Singapore.
Crystal is a welcomed public speaker at various regional conferences on Enterprise Risk Management, Anti-Fraud Action, Internal Control and Compliance etc, where she successfully elaborated on topics including 'Changing Roles of the Audit Department', 'Making ERM Effective in Practice', 'Transparent Procurement and Cost Control'. Crystal is fluent in English, Mandarin, and elementary Japanese.
开课地点: 广东-广州
开课地点: 四川-成都
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