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培 训 收 益Training benefit
企    业:    Enterprises
    Forming high-quality and competitive management team to improve management efficiency and reduce management cost
     Improving management efficiency of the enterprises, strengthening  profit-earning ability and competitiveness ability
受训员工:     Trainees
1, 迅速提升管理核心技能,具备优秀管理者的胜任力,提升个人绩效和促进个人职业发展  
              Quickly improving core management techniques, possessing KCI of excellent management personnel, improving individual performance and promoting individual career development

After trainees pass practical job sampling test, they will obtain relevant certificate of TWI-KCI
培 训 收 益Training benefit
企 业: Enterprises
Forming high-quality and competitive management team to improve management efficiency and reduce management cost
Improving management efficiency of the enterprises, strengthening profit-earning ability and competitiveness ability
受训员工: Trainees
1, 迅速提升管理核心技能,具备优秀管理者的胜任力,提升个人绩效和促进个人职业发展
Quickly improving core management techniques, possessing KCI of excellent management personnel, improving individual performance and promoting individual career development
Training characteristics TWI(Training Within Industry),即为督导人员的现场管理训练,或称为一线主管技能培训,TWI是实施精益生产、丰田生产方式、TPM、5S等各项工具和系统的基础,是企业管理理论的“世界语”。
TWI, namely on-site management training of supervisor or skills training of on-site training, is the foundation of various tools and systems such as excellent manufacturing, Toyota mode, TPM, 5S and “world language” of enterprise management theory.
TWI origins from British in 1920.After great war II, Production Administration of US helped Japan rebuild economy, finding that Japan is endowed with great potential technical labor but it is short of effective supervisors. Therefore, US helped introduce TWI training improving many supervisors’ abilities. Japanese government also realized the importance of it and set up (corporation aggregate) Japan Manufacturing Training Association specially to promote by MHLW which played an important role in promoting Japanese development. Now, TWI has become a necessary program to train on-site supervisors for developed countries like Europe, US, Japan and Korea.
Since 1950, Japanese government introduced TWI, more than 10 million enterprise leaders and employees have got TWI training covering 90% of Japanese enterprises which makes great contribution to the development of Japanese enterprises. In China, thousands of enterprises face the difficulty to improve the quality of numerous employees and the basic management skills.
Main training content of traditional TWI including the following 4 modules:
Job instruction-making on-site supervisors clearly teach subordinates work method to let them receive right and complete technology and order by using effective process
Job relationships-making on-site supervisors set up good relationships with subordinates, solve problems reasonably through calm analysis when subordinates have interpersonal and psychological problem.
Job method-making on-site supervisors think about the problem about on-site work and come with improvement plan to improve work efficiency by using reasonable process.
Job safety-making supervisors learn the policy and method to prevent similar disasters
Through more than 10 years of training practice, management trainer team of Goodcareer consulting group has developed TWI into TWI-KCI systematic management skills training of on-site supervisor with 16 modules!
Training method 1.讲师讲解(强调重点、要点和难点,将专业术语平民化,帮助学员理解)
Coacher’ explanation ( stressing importance, key point and difficult point, popularizing professional terms to help employees understand)
Watching videos (inspiring trainees through appreciating excellent video clip)
On-site drill ( helping find problems and criticize accurately to apply what they have learned for practice)
Interactive game ( learning and comprehending with laughter through mixing the deep theory into relaxed games)
Question discussion and practical case analysis(Classic case analysis to inspire trainees)
Training time 初级4天、中级4天、高级3天;共11天
4 days of elementary training, 3 days of intermediate training, 3 days of advanced training; 9 days totally
Training date 内训时间按企业要求而定
Internal training time depends on the enterprises’ need
Training fee 企业内训:人民币20,000元/班.1天;公开课:人民币1,800元/人.1天。含训练导师开发的培训教材1套和培训费费。
Internal training of enterprises: 20,000 each class, one day; public class 1,800 yuan each people. (including 1 set of training materials developed by Goodcareer coacher and training fee)
Suitable person 1. 企业一线管理人员
Senior management personnel of the enterprise
2. 企业准备提升为一线管理人员的员工
Employees who are going to be promoted in the enterprise
3. 有志于成为职业经理人的从业人士
Person aspiring to become International Professional Trainer
Course modules
(elementary) 模块一: 一线主管管理角色和胜任力要求
Module1: management roles and KCI requirement of first-site supervisors
Module2: JI skills
Module3: JM skills
Module4: JR skills
Module: JS management skills
Module6: JQ handling skills
Course modules
(intermediate) 模块一:工作教导(JI)技能(II)
Module1: JI skills
Module2: JM skills
Module3: WE management skills
Module4: WC management skills
Module5: WQ management skills
Module6: WI management skills
Course modules
(advanced) 模块一:目标管理(MBO)技能
Module1: MBO skills
Module2: PDCA management skills
Module3: EC skills
Module4: EIM
Module5: TB
Module6: WCM
Trainees’ benefit 1. 获颁发由训练导师签名的相应级别的《一线管理人员管理胜任力培训》证书
Obtaining certificate of TWI-KCI signed by coacher
2. 成为Goodcareer 终身会员,享受会员的“十大收益”(详请请登阅本公司网站)
Being the life-long members of Goodcareer, enjoying “10 benefits” of the members( log in our website to search the details)
3. 免费成为本公司“HR Party”会员
Being members of our “HR Party” freely
4. 9折参加Goodcareer年度“人力资源管理论坛”
Getting 10% discount for Goodcareer annual “HRM Summit Forum”
Training course arrangement
(elementary) 第一天、每二天 The first and second day
3.5小时3.5 hours 7小时7 hours
Module 1: management roles and KCI demands of supervisor
— 自我管理技能测试
Skills test of self management
— 录像观摩
Watching videos
— 一线主管日常管理内容
Daily management content of first-line supervisor
— 重新认识一线主管
Rediscover first-line supervisor
— 现场管理职责
On-site management responsibility
— 一线主管的多重角色
Multiple roles of first-line supervisor
— 一线主管的职责权限
Responsibility and authority of first-line supervisor
— 一线主管的管理胜任力要求
Management KCI requirement of first-line supervisor
— 卓越一线主管之技能要求
Skills requirement of excellent first-line supervisor
— 卓越一线主管心态要求
Attitude requirement of first-line supervisor
— 卓越一线主管素质要求
Quality requirement of excellent first-line supervisor
— 一线主管的终极使命
Ultimate mission of first-line supervisor
— 工作模拟:简单任务
Job sampling: simple task
— 训练效果测评
Training achievement test
— 课后演练
Drill after class 模块二:工作教导(JI)技能(I)
Module2: JI skills
— 案例研讨:3小时生产600多个废品
Case study: producing more than 600 wastes for 3 hours
— 选择的重要性:做管理者还是教导员
Importance of selection: becoming a manager or instructor
— 什么是教导
What is instructing
— 教导的重要性
Importance of instructing
— 为什么要教导您的下属(公司VS教导者VS被教导者)
Why do you instruct your subordinates (company VS instructor VS tutee)
— 优秀教导员的三大特质
3 characteristics of excellent instructor
— 常用的低效教导方法回顾
Reviewing of usual inefficient instructing method
— 教导经验分享
Sharing experience of instructing
— 有的放矢:正确选择教导对象
To shoot the arrow at a target: correctly selecting instructor
— 见机行事:如何选择教导时机
Play something by ear: how to select instructing occasion
— 如何高效教导:四步法
How to effectively instruct: four-step method
— 经验性练习:工作分解表的制作及四步教导法
Experience practice: design of work analysis form and four-step instructing method
— 高效教导应规避的八大误区
8 misunderstanding that effective instruction should avoid
— 工作教导体验活动:T字之谜
Job instructing experience activities: puzzle of word T
— 训练成果测评
Training achievement test
— 应用实践
Application practice
— Q&A
Questions and answers
第二天、第三天 The second, third day
7小时7 hours 3.5小时3.5 hours
Module3: JM skills
— 自我测试:您每天是在管理还是在改善?
Self test: do you manage or improve every day
— 工作为何要改善(意义)
Why do you need to improve work(meaning)
— 为何不想改善(心理障碍剖析)
Why do not you improve( psychology obstacle analysis)
— 改善:从什么地方入手
Improvement: where is the staring
— 经验分享:4M法:发现问题的改善点
Sharing experience: 4M method: improvement point of finding problems
— 工作改善的前提:发现问题
Premise of job improvement: finding problems
— 面对问题的心态探析
Deep attitude analysis in facing problems
— 影响问题发现与解决的十大错误观念
10 wrong concepts of influencing finding and solving problems
— 面对纷繁复杂的工作--如何突破困境
How to overcome difficulties in sophisticated work
— 思考问题的五个维度
Five dimensions of thinking problems
— 如何进行工作改善:四步法
How to improve work: 4-step method
— 工作模拟:工作改善实践
Job sampling: work improvement practice
— 工作改善七手法简介
7-method brief introduction of work improvement
— 实例分享:某公司生产流程改善
Sharing examples: production process improvement of one company
— 激发改善创意的10把金钥匙
10 gold keys of incentivizing improvement creativity
— 改善体验活动:传真机
Improving experience activities: fax machine
— 训练收益测评
Training benefit test
— 应用性练习
Application practice
— Q&A
Questions and answers
Module4: job relationship skills
— 人际关系自我测试:我的人际关系能力?
Self test of interpersonal relationship: my interpersonal relationship abilities?
— 案例研讨:法叔的故事
Case study: the story of French uncle
— 工作关系问题含义及类型
Meaning and style of job relationships problems
— 人际关系改善的四项基本原则
Four basic principles of improving interpersonal relationships
— 工作关系问题四阶处理法
Four-stage handling method of job relationships
— 人际沟通的重要性
Importance of interpersonal communication
— 定义沟通
Definition communication
— 问题:为什么要沟通?
Question: why do we need to communicate?
— 沟通对象确定-与谁沟通?
Confirmation of communication object-communication with whom
— 体验性活动:形象竞猜
Experience activities: impression guess
— 工作沟通中的常见障碍
Common obstacle in job communication
— 高效沟通的关键:7 55 38
Key of efficient communication:
— 有效沟通之面对面沟通
Effective communication-face-to face communication
— 如何与下级、上司、平级良好沟通
How to communicate with subordinate, boss and lateral employees
— 经验分享:报告、联系、商讨技巧
Sharing experience: report, communication, conferring skills
— 下属犯错了,如何批评?
How to criticize when subordinates make mistakes
— 情景模拟训练:批评下属常用八法
Situation simulation training: 8 method of criticizing subordinates
— 经验性练习:小芳怎么啦?
Experienced practice: what is wrong with xiao Fang?
— 化干戈为玉帛:冲突管理-认识冲突/接受冲突/管理冲突
to bury the hatchet and work for peace: conflict management
— 工作分派技巧
Job distribution skills-realization conflict/receiving conflict/management conflict
— 分派工作的原则
Principles of job distribution
— 分派工作的步骤
Steps of job distribution
— 分派工作中的潜在问题
Potential problems in work distribution
— 工作模拟:工作关系与沟通体验活动—战国七雄
Job sampling: job relationships and communication experience activities-the seven states in the Epoch of Warring States
— 训练成果测试
Training achievement test
— 应用性练习
Application practice
— Q&A
Questions and answers
第三天、每四天The third and fourth day
3.5小时3.5 hours 3.5小时3.5 hours
Module 5: JS management skills
— 测试:安全吗?
Test: is it safe?
— 问题探讨:3秒钟作答
Question discussion: 3 seconds of answers
— 生产安全的重要性与含义
Importance and meaning of production safety
— 测试性调查:有趣的10 和6
Testing survey: interesting 10 and 6
— 安全工作
Safe work
— 发生安全事故源泉
Reason of safety incident
— 基层干部的安全责任
Safety responsibility of basic cadres
— 生产安全的本质
Essence of production safety
— 经验分享:安全管理检查表
Sharing experience:check form of safety management
— 事出必有因:造成事故的原因分析
There is no smoke without fine: reason analysis of incident
— 案例研讨:某公司生产部安全事件原因分析
Case study: reason analysis of safety incident in one company’s production department
— 预防安全事故的三大利器
Three method to prevent safety incident
— 经验性分享:经常出事的人
Sharing experience: people who often take accident
— 案例重演:搬运工作安全事故的预防
Case reviewing: prevention of safety incident in carriage work
— 安全管理操作流程:四阶段法
Operation process of safety management: four-stage method
— 工具:安全生产检查记录表
Tools: record of safety production check
— 持之以恒:如何塑造安全文化
Persistence: how to set up safety culture
— 事故案例-录相:潘永益VS林正权手切伤事故
Incident case-video: Pan Yongyi VS Lin Zhengshuang hand hurting incident
— 训练成果测评
Training achievement test
— 应用性练习
Application exercise
— Q&A
Questions and answers 模块六:工作问题(JQ)处理技能
Module6: JQ handling skills
— 问题处理能力自我测试:我的问题态度
Self test of problem solving ability: my attitude toward problem
— 案例研讨:这是问题吗?
Case study: is it a problem?
— 一线问题综述
Summary of first-line problems
— 问题解决的原则和方法
Principles and methods in solving problems
— 人、物、机器与流程问题的不同性质
Different characteristics of human, objects, machine and process problems
— 80、与90工作问题与对策
Job problems and countermeasure for employees who were born in 1980th and 1990th
— 经验分享:目标导向的问题解决思路
Sharing experience: solving method of target-oriented problem
— 问题解决的态度
Attitude to solve problems
— 问题的预测与预防
Forecast and prevention of problems
— 成为问题解决专家
Becoming an expert in solving problems
— 情景模拟训练:你的看法
Situation simulation training: your ideas
— 经验性练习:问题分析与处理
Experienced exercise: problem analysis and handling
— 跨部门/小组问题及处理方法
Cross-department/team problem and handling methods
— 令工作顺利进行的秘诀
Secret of fluent work
— 工作模拟:如何令问题不成为问题
Job sampling: how to solve problems
— 训练成果测试
Training achievement test
— 应用性练习
Application exercise
— Q&A
Questions and answers
Training course arrangement
(intermediate) 第一天The first day
3.5小时3.5 hours 3.5小时3.5 hours
Module1:JI skills
— 自我教导技能测试
Test of self instructing skills
— 案例研讨:从教导到教练
Case study: from instructing to coaching
— 一线主管的新角色定位:从考试导走向教练
New roles localization of supervisor: from testing to coaching
— 教练角色定位
Roles localization of coaching
— 教练角色技能
Roles skills of coaching
— 经验性练习:裁判与教练
Experience practice: referee and coach
— — 教练经验分享
— Sharing experience of coaching
— 教练技术
Coaching technique
— 教练心态
Coaching attitude
— 经验性练习:目标—教导—教练
Experienced practice: objectives—instructing —coaching
— 工作教练教导体验活动:当好“灵魂工程师:
Experience activity of job coaching and instructing : being a “ sprit engineer”
— 训练成果测评
Test of training achievement
— 应用实践
Application practice
— Q&A
Questions and answers 模块二:工作改善(JM)技能(II)
Module 2: job improvement skills
— 自我测试:我的工作改善技能
Self test: my skills of job improvement
— 经验分享:工作改善的要领
Sharing experience: gist of job improvement
— 消除“摸索”的时间
Eliminating trial time
— 实行图面管理制度
Implementing drawing management systems
— 观察工作方法
Observing job method
— — W.S.(Work Sampling)的观察步骤
Observing steps of work sampling
— 作业动作的经济化
Economization of operation action
— 活用作业日报表
Flexible use of daily job report
— 动作的经济原则
Economic principle of action
— 提供舒适的作业环境
Providing comfortable operating environment
— 如何降成本、提高效率?
How to reduce cost and improve efficiency?
— V.E.(Value Engineering)
— VE计划的推动
Promotion of VE plan
— 以ABC分析进行有效的管理
Effective management through ABC analysis
— 清除物品搬运时间
Removal time of cleaning articles
— 善用图表,积极检讨与改进
Being good at chart: positively reviewing and improving
— 工作模拟:自我启发
Job sampling: self inspiration
— 实例分享:如何缩短作业时间
Sharing experience: how to reduce operation time
— 改善体验活动:SOP
Improve experience activities: SOP
— 训练收益测评
Training benefit assessment
— 应用性练习
Application practice
— Q&A
Questions and answers

第二天、第三天The second and third day
7小时7 hours 7小时 7 hours
Module3: management skills of working efficiency
Self skills test
Watching videos
Discussion and comment
—对工作效率(Working Efficiency )的理解
Understanding of working efficiency
Working efficiency and competiveness
Improving method of work efficiency
Sharing experience; how to reduce manufacturing time
Practical experience analysis: skills of improving working efficiency
Experienced practice: fixed number of workers and fixed quotas
Test and comment of learning achievement
Job sampling: efficiency report and analysis
Skills training 1: IE project and production plan
Skills training 2: effective time and machine efficiency
Training achievement check
Problem drill after class
Job sampling after class
Implementing action plan
Questions and answers 模块四:工作成本(WC)管理技能
Module4: WC management skills
Self skills test: do I have awareness of cost?
Videos and comments
—工作成本(Working Cost)的组成
Composition of working cost
Characteristics and manifestation of work cost
Method of improving on-site work cost
Sharing experience: can standard work time be reduced?
Sharing experience: improving “ human” cost
Sharing experience: improving “ object” cost
Sharing experience: improve “process” cost
Sharing experience: improvement “ quality” cost
Test and comment of learning achievement
Job sampling: becoming an expert in cost improvement
Skills training 1: qualification rate
Skills training 2: morning meeting
Training achievement check
Problem drill after class
Job sampling after class
Implementing action plan
Questions and answers
第四天The fourth day
3.5小时 3.5 hours 3.5小时3.5 hours
Module5: WQ management skills
—案例研讨:iphone4 事件
Case study: iphone4 event
Self skills test: My quality management skill
—工作品质(Working Quality)和内涵
Working quality and its connotation
Improvement method of working quality
Improvement tips of working quality
Improving quality step by step
TQM and working quality improvement
QCC and working quality improvement
Sharing experience: orientation training
Test and comment of learning achievement
Behavior sampling: becoming a qualified manager
Skills training 1: quality improvement is everywhere
Skills training 2: changing the thinking of quality
Training achievement check
Problem drill after class
Job sampling after class
Implementing action plan
Questions and answers 模块六:工作团队(WT)管理技能
Module6: WT management skills
Case study: planner and performer
Self present situation test: my team work ability
—工作团队(Working Team)的意义
Meaning of working time
Art of team work
Sharing experience of efficient team work
Summarizing team work
Test and comment of learning achievement
Behavior sampling: efficient work team
Skills training 1: team awareness
Case study: overtime events
Skills training 2: work distribution
Skills training 3: team objectives
Training achievement check
Problem drill after class
Job sampling after class
Implementing action plan
Questions and answers
Training course arrangement
(advanced) 第一天 The first day
3.5小时 3.5 hours 3.5小时3.5 hours
Module1: MBO skills
Case study: quality difference
Test of self situation: MBO skills testing
MBO(Management by Objective)
Function of MBO
Work process of MBO
—目标设定的五大原则 (SMART)
Five principle of designing objectives
Sharing practical experience: designing and filling in objective card
Revising time of objectives
Implementing process of objectives
Follow-up check of objectives
Feedback and improvement of objective implementation result
Test and comment of learning achievement
Behavior sampling: objective control
Practice training 1: objective decomposition and objective communication
Case analysis: confession of Mr. Wang
Skills training 2: objective commission and objective implementation
Thinking question: individual objective is not team objective?
Training achievement check
Problem drill after class
Job sampling after class
Implementing action plan
Questions and answers 模块二:计划与执行(PDCA)管理技能
Module2: PDCA management skills
Self test of planning ability
Case study: a busy day
Sprit of scientific management
What is plan
Category of plan
Characteristics of plan
Steps of making effective plan
Process of work plan
Process of plan management
The tool of making plan
Sharing experience: follow-up form of plan
Implementation and follow-up of plan
PDCA circle
Case: plan and exceptional case
Test and comment of learning achievement
Behavior sampling: becoming a planner with executive power
Example training 1: a new day
Playing roles: If I were group leader Wang
Skills training 2: planning, implementing and checking
Training achievement check
Problem drill after class
Job sampling after class
Implementing action plan
Questions and answers
第二天 The second day
上午Am 上午Pm
Module3: EC skills
Test of one’s present situation: am I a communication expert?
Case study: who is responsible for quality incident
what is efficient Communication
Process mode of communication
12 kinds of common communication obstacles and its reason
Code capacity training of communication(game: I make hand gestures and you guess
Function of feedback
Items requiring to pay attention to in feedback
How should we persuade opponents and change their action
Skills of work communication and interpersonal communication
Sharing experience: who is responsible for material supply
Behavior sampling: action characteristics of effective communication
Example training 1: 200 or 2000
Playing roles: quality complain of client
Skills training 2: conflict of production, research and development
Summative evaluation
Problem drill after class
Job sampling after class
Implementing action plan
Questions and answers 模块四:员工激励管理(EIM)
Module 4: EIM
Case study: needs of employees who were born in 1980th
Test of self present situation: My incentive indicator
—正确理解员工激励(Employee Incentives)的意义
Correctly understanding the meaning of employee incentives
Understanding of employees’ need
Employees’ need, incentive and action
Improving employees’ action
Sharing experience: application of Maslow's need hierarchy theory
Skills of incentivizing employees
Video case: how to incentive subordinates when they perform from bad to worse
What is negative incentive
Advantage and disadvantage of negative incentive to subordinates
Case: positive incentive and negative incentive
Behavior sampling: becoming a incentive expert
Example training 1: being good at using negative incentive
Case study: working injury event
Playing roles: partitioning leadership authority
Skills training 2: work and encouragement
training achievement check
Problem drill after class
Job sampling after class
Implementing action plan
Questions and answers
第三天The third day
上午 Am 上午 Pm
Module5: TB
Case study: team building and team sprit
Test of self present situation: do I
possess the characteristics to lead team
Definition of team
Principle of ideal team building
Instructing error of team building
Qualified team leader
13 kinds of errors and countermeasure
Setting up common obstacles
Cultivating mutual trust sprit
Cultivating responsibility and confidence of team members
Promoting skills combination in team and improving skills level
Getting along well with external people,
including clearing obstacles for team
Creating more opportunities for other team members
Sharing experience: creating an effective team
Test and comment of learning achievement
Behavior sampling: becoming an excellent team leader
Example training 1: objective and team
Playing roles: management and team building
Skills training 2: setting up common belief
Summative evaluation
Problem drill after class
Job sampling after class
Implementing action plan
Questions and answers 模块六:工作文化管理(WCM)
Module 6: WCM
Case study: problem of cross-culture management
Test of self present situation: my understanding of culture
Understanding work culture
Reason of culture formation
Formation of work culture
Guiding the right work culture
Values and code of conduct
Culture of small group
Cultivation of work culture
Sharing experience: To select the No.1
Playing roles: boss culture
Test and comment of learning achievement
Behavior sampling: becoming a trusted person
Summative evaluation
Problem drill after class
Job sampling after class
Implementing action plan
Graduation forum: becoming a successful manager
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